This morning the Bharti Team had a meeting at the hotel with Mr. Antony Nellissery, General Manager of the Primary School Program. Since he would not be at our final presentation he wanted a chance to meet with us to discuss our findings. We spent over an hour discussing the project and getting very valuable feedback as well. During lunch it was time to pack. I met Mr. Ram again and got to say goodbye. We got ready, paid our bills with the hotel (for laundry, room service, etc.) and continued working until our car arrived. Shruti and Kazu saw us off as they were at the hotel, and Jaspreet accompanied us to the train station. We ended up being on the same train as the CEO of Bharti Foundation and the VP as they were travelling back from Ludhiana as well. The train ride was long and quite bumpy. We worked on the presentation and the project almost all the way through.
In Delhi we were picked up by the hotel driver and driven to Gurgaon. Tomorrow we get to see the head office.
#ibmcsc india
#ibmcsc india
Nice trip. Our Indian railway has improved so much. Check out all 4 star hotels in Ludhiana also.